Diarrhoea Management

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Home-made oral fluids and how much to give - slide 17 - Diarrhoea Management

Slide 17
Home made oral Fluids, and how much to give
To introduce this slide, let us summarise what we have said so far. The best way to treat children with diarrhoea is to give them oral rehydration fluids as soon as the diarrhoea begins. You can make a good OR fluid at home - the main difficulty is to measure the sugar, salt and water accurately enough.

Now look at the drawing on this slide. It shows a spoon* which some doctors have designed to help to measure the salt and sugar. However, you, or the child's mother, must measure the water. In most countries you can get ordinary glasses or cups which hold at least 200 ml. of water. These two-ended spoons measure the salt and sugar that you need for one 200 ml. glass of water. Each end of the spoon is called a scoop.

* Spoons are available from TALC at a cost if £1.60 for 20 spoons. They are available with instructions in several languages (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Swahili etc.). A sample spoon is sent with this set.

Q. How do you make up one glass or cup of rehydration fluid?

A. Read the instructions on the spoon.

Add 1 level scoop of sugar from the bigger scoop A
Add 1 level scoop of salt from the smaller scoop B

To make a level measure, you fill the scoop with as much sugar or salt as possible, then you push a pencil, knife or other flat object across the top of the scoop, like in the drawing. Any salt or sugar above the top of the scoop falls off. So the sugar or salt is flat-or level with the top of the scoop.

Remember: Whatever method of measuring you use, there should always be more sugar than salt. The biggest scoop or pinch is always for sugar.

Perhaps every Health Centre could have some of these spoons to use when packets of ORS are not available.

Further Discussion
If you have no plastic spoons, there are other ways of measuring. Use a teaspoon. A teaspoon holds about 5 ml. of fluid. You must also have a vessel which can hold 1 litre or a little more of water. To 1 litre of water add:

1 level teaspoon of salt
8 level teaspoons of sugar

It is even possible to make simple spoons from wood (see="diarrhoea-management-appendix3.htm" target="_blank"> Appendix 3).

Rehydration Project

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updated: 23 April, 2014