Diarrhoea Management

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Diarrhoea and food - slide 24 - Diarrhoea Management

Slide 24
Diarrhoea and food
This last slide is a summary of all the others. This is the Indonesian baby from Slide 12 drinking his glucose electrolyte solution from a 200 ml. glass. On the right is the child from the second part of the slide about feeding as an important part of oral therapy, showing an early return to normal feeding.

In many countries, people think that it is wrong to feed a child with diarrhoea. They have noticed, like Maina's mother in="diarrhoea-management-21.htm" target="_blank"> Slide 21, that the diarrhoea seems to stop sooner if you starve a child. But starving a child makes his nutritional state worse-so he will have more attacks of diarrhoea later. Do not worry so much about what comes out. Worry more about the food and fluid that goes into a child. This 'two-part' oral therapy - fluids and food - can prevent many hospital admissions, and many deaths from both dehydration and malnutrition. And it is something community health workers can teach mothers to do for themselves, with very little equipment, and a small cost.

Rehydration Project

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updated: 23 April, 2014