Diarrhoea Management


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(List of important words)

(A) General and medical terms
(Audience is assumed to know these already).

Introduction diarrhoea, loose stools, treat, treatment, fluids, scientific, aspects, method, physiological basis, malnutrition.

Slide 1 buttocks, abdominal pains, injection, capsules, tropical, on average, attacks, contaminated.
Slide 2 burial, neighbour, ceremony.
Slide 3 summarises, infection, overcomes.
Slide 4 sunken, sink, clinical signs, eye socket, tissue, mild, moderate, severe, conscious, recognise, nutritional state, well nourished, diagnose.
Slide 5 percentage - 5%. 10%. 15%, body weight, fontanelle, limbs, thirst, urine.
Slide 6 effective.
Slide 7 disadvantages, equipment, sterile, solutions, complication, swollen, swelling, heart failure, oxygen.
Slide 8 transport, sophisticated facilities, herb, delay, available, practice.
Slide 9 kitchen salt, baking soda, chemicals, dissolve, litre.
Slide 10 small bowel, intestine, curved, replace, appropriate. essential.
Slide 12 teaspoonful, ml., vomit, confidence, patience, persistence.
Slide 14 fold, pinched up.
Slide 15 graph, scale, complete, row, bars, curves.
Slide 16 kit, gourd, container, household substances, tray, purple, finger crease, citrus fruits.
Slide 17 summarise, accurately, instructions.
Slide 18 fits, brain damage, advantages, out of stock, memorable, educational value, dangerous.
Slide 19 researchers, volume, speed.
Slide 20 anxiety, admit (to hospital), supervise, convinced.
Slide 21 appearance, behaviour, malnourished, moon face, kwashiorkor, weight dot, curious.
Slide 22 bar-graph, grade, severity.
Slide 23 solid food, diet, express (milk), preventing.
Slide 24 starve.
(8) Specific technical terms
(Audience should learn these from the slides and commentary).

Introduction orally, oral fluids, rehydration, OR, oral therapy.

Slide 3 dehydration, self-limiting, proprietary medicines, indigenous medicines.
Slide 4
Slide 5
total body water, acidotic breathing, skin elasticity, rapid pulse, cyanosis.
Slide 6
gastroenteritis, intravenous, IV, drip, rehydrate.
Slide 7
periorbital oedema, overhydrated.
Slide 9
Slide 10
sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, glucose, oral rehydration salts, ORS, ORS solution oral rehydration fluid, 'ORALYTE', UNICEF, WHO.
Slide 15
lumen, secretion, absorbs, absorption hydration, actual dehydration.
Slide 16
three-finger pinch, sucrose, four-finger.
Slide 17
scoop, level.
Slide 18
Slide 19
Slide 20
rehydration unit.
Slide 21
growth chart, wasted, vicious circle.
Slide 22
protein energy malnutrition.

Rehydration Project

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updated: 23 April, 2014