Diarrhoea Management

Appendix 3

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Appendix 3
Other ways of preparing ORS

Figure 11 - Measuring Spoons

Measuring Spoons

Figure 12 - Locally-Made Salt-Sugar Measures

Locally-Made Salt-Sugar Measures

  1. A small bamboo pushed into a larger piece. Check size with plastic spoon.

  2. A wooden block, burn or

  3. drill out holes.

If you cannot obtain packets of ORS, make your own

  • Use 4 spoons, available from TALC (Fig. 11). These spoons measure the same weight of each powder as in the international packets

  • Use a pre-mixed powder, from E.C.H.O. 4 West Street, Ewell, Surrey, U.K. (Scoop supplied)

  • Make your own measure from wood. See="#Figure 12"> Fig. 12 Drill holes to the size shown; or, burn holes with the large and small ends of a red hot, bolt; or, fit a small piece of bamboo into a larger one. Use a plastic measure to check the size. If holes are too big, plane down block with carpenter's plane. Ask a school child, or newly literate adult, to write the words onto the wood with a ball-pen. They will be more likely to remember and use the scoop. 'Rub a candle or wax polish over the wood to protect the writing. Make a hole for a piece of string, to hang the scoop somewhere safe. Perhaps if a spoon hung in every house, children would not die of diarrhoea.

Rehydration Project

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updated: 23 April, 2014