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file help: How to Find words and Search indexes
Finding words
Use the Find command to find part of a
word, a complete word, or multiple words in the active document. To search across documents use the Search
command instead of the Find command. See Searching Indexes for more information. To Find a word:
the find tool , or choose Tools > Find.
the find tool , or choose Tools > Find
2 Choose
any combination of the following options, or none of them:
Match Whole Word Only specifies ignoring words
that are contained within the text you enter. For example, the word stick would not be
highlighted if you chose the word sticky to find
Match Case specifies finding only those words that
contain exactly the same capitalization as you enter in the Find dialog box.
Find Backwards specifies starting from the current
page and searching backwards through the file. Find Backwards is helpful if you want to
find a term you passed earlier in the document.
In the
Find What text box, enter the text to be found and click Find.
When the program finds the text, the Find dialog box closes and the page
containing the text is displayed with the text highlighted.
4 To find the next occurrence of the
word, press Ctrl (Windows and UNIX) or Command (Macintosh) +G, or reopen the Find dialog
box and click Find Again. With Windows, pressing F3 also finds the next occurrence of the
word. You will be prompted to loop around to the beginning of the document if you start
the process on any page other than the first page. Searching Indexes
The Find command looks for words by reading every word on every page. By
comparison, the Search command searches full-text indexes. A full-text index is an alphabetized list of all the terms used in a
collection of documents. The Search command uses the index to locate terms quickly,
without having to open the documents. Compared with using the Find command, searching a full-text index is
very fast.